Nieman Foundation at Harvard
How young Kenyans turned to news influencers when protesters stormed the country’s parliament
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Archives: July 2013

Gawker wants its Kinja platform to be a “truly interactive news platform.”
The head of the Urban Reporting Program at CUNY says that to ignore ethnic newspapers is to ignore a set of viable models that could inform the rest of the media business.
From glossy mag to alt weekly to subscription-based blog, the Arkansas Times is “good at change.” Will readers step up to pay for the digital side of a free print weekly?
Okay, so this isn’t actually a list. But a new tool is aiming to lower the barriers for community participation in blogging with a little help from BuzzFeed’s format. Sarah Darville
Nonprofit journalism legend Chuck Lewis on setting benchmarks for the impact of nonprofit news: “The idea of fixing a single standard that everyone’s going to adhere to — talk about herding cats. That’s not even fair to cats.”