Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Beehiiv is the latest platform to try to lure independent journalists with perks
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Archives: March 2019

Plus: Gimlet pushes back on its aspirant union, Acast gets more continental, and Joe Rogan’s galaxy brain.
Which is more important for a public broadcaster: distributing its content as widely as possible or putting its own interests above a tech company’s?
Few entities have the potential to help improve news production and consumption more than Apple. This falls short of hopes.
“A beautiful space for reading and writing” and pivoting.
“We don’t need a handout. But a policy that actively disincentivizes new media outlets from launching and growing to serve the information needs of Canadians is bad policy.”
“The program assumes any subject that doesn’t fit its narrow criteria isn’t worthy of support. It speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of all the important roles that journalism fills in our lives.”
“It is obviously designed to assist traditional, general interest newspapers, but to do what? Keep them on life support and then what?”
Plus: Instagram is fertile ground for conspiracy theories, Apple gives to media literacy, and a terror attack comes with its own media strategy.
“It’s past time for the company to step up and fulfill the promise founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg made two years ago: ‘We will keep doing all we can to prevent tragedies like this from happening.'”