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This Week in Review

Every Friday between 2011 and 2014, Mark Coddington summed up the week’s top stories about the future of news.

Plus: Controversy at Time Inc., more plagiarism allegations, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech news.
Plus: The Gannett spinoff and the future of newspapers, dealing with abusive comments at Gawker, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech news.
Plus: Parsing The New York Times’ latest numbers, what’s next in the Fox-Time Warner talks, and the rest of the week’s journalism and media news.
Plus: Debating SI’s LeBron James scoop, a warning for the newspaper industry, and the rest of the week’s media and journalism must-reads.
Plus: Google and censorship, The Wall Street Journal turns 125, and the rest of this week’s news about journalism and tech.
Plus: Verdicts in the News Corp. phone hacking scandal, jailed journalists in Egypt, and the rest of the news about the news from the past fortnight.
Plus: The Orange County Register’s decline, Vox and explainers, and the rest of the week’s news and commentary on journalism and the web.
Plus: New announcements from Apple, trouble at the Orange County Register, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech news and commentary.
Plus: Conversation continues on changes at The New York Times, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech news and commentary.
Plus: Doing better data journalism, net neutrality’s implications, and the rest of the week in journalism and technology.
Plus: New NSA details from Glenn Greenwald, explaining lack of digital innovation in local newspapers, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech reads. Mark Coddington
Plus: Russia cracks down on bloggers, the Los Angeles Times’ web redesign, and the rest of this week’s future-of-news reads.
Plus: Questions about Twitter’s growth, inside the White House press corps, and the rest of the week’s news in journalism and tech.
Plus: The Upshot and the explanatory journalism wave, Slate’s new membership model, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech news.
Plus: The pushback against Vox and The Intercept, Twitter’s data buy, and the rest of this week’s news and tech must-reads.