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Articles tagged Black Lives Matter (17)

Plus: How online and offline journalists are more alike than different, the unrealized promise of immersive journalism, and what influences how journalists debunk disinformation.
“It has never been my expectation that every piece the New York Times publishes will confirm my personal worldview, but it was also never my expectation The Times would run an op-ed calling for state violence.”
“We’re tired of shouldering the burden of dragging this 200-year-old institution kicking and screaming into a more equitable age.”
“Although in some incidents it is possible the journalists were hit or affected accidentally, in the majority of the cases we have recorded the journalists are clearly identifiable as press, and it is clear that they are being deliberately targeted.”
Research finds that protests about anti-black racism and indigenous people’s rights receives the least legitimizing coverage.
“It’s really about combining technology with culture and content and entertainment to create something special that hasn’t been done before.”
“We need to get off that perch and really try to understand, try to walk in the other person’s shoes, live as they live, breathe as they breathe, see as they see.”