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Articles tagged Heath Freeman (19)

Alden’s offer to buy Gannett looks less and less credible. But can Tribune and Gannett suss out the merger that might be necessary to stop it?
In an industry where expense reduction is the prime strategy, much more consolidation is likely on the way. Little regulation prevents it, and the financials all favor it.
America’s most hated newspaper company wants to bring its special brand of cost-cutting and newsroom-gutting to about 100 more cities.
Former Denver Post owner Dean Singleton is upset that the paper he built “has been totally gutted of news coverage…It is breaking my heart.” Meanwhile, the current owners plan still another round of cuts — and consider killing editorial pages entirely.
Digital First Media’s financials — revealed here — show how the company has ridden its deep cuts to nearly $160 million in profits and the highest margins in the business.
What are the first challenges the new ownership faces? What happens to the Tribune name? And could Chicago see two locally owned daily newspapers?
This is a golden age of American protest. It’s time to stand up and fight the vulture owners hollowing out local news.
Newspapers were, for decades, a prime example of a community institution, meant to last through the centuries. A new generation of owners is thinking of them more as something to milk for profit on their way down.
At Digital First Media, America’s second-largest newspaper chain, it’s hard to discern a larger plan — beyond painful cutbacks to boost profits.