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The Atlantic Wire may continue its experiment editing out in the open http://nie.mn/kuARvp

How should you verify user generated content? Here’s how the BBC does it http://nie.mn/jrWrUn

“They no longer have to store 57 years — 682 issues — of Playboy under their mattress” http://nie.mn/mAYE8D

Academic rigour, journalistic flair: Why The Conversation uses academics to break news http://nie.mn/mdsN0g

How’s this for an interactive graphic: Slate’s guide to Gen. David Petraeus’ medals, ribbons and stars http://nie.mn/jIs5pd

Developers jump on this: USA Today has released a Census API http://nie.mn/kZin08

Duke University’s Reporter Lab is looking for a developer to create tools for investigative journalism http://nie.mn/k2qaWD

The Nieman Journalism Lab is a collaborative attempt to figure out how quality journalism can survive and thrive in the Internet age.
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