Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Audience editors offer advice for “dispiriting” times in social and search
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We keep an eye out for the most interesting stories about Labby subjects: digital media, startups, the web, journalism, strategy, and more. Here’s some of what we’ve seen lately.
The Washington Post / Paul Farhi / Jul 9, 2024
“USA Today left critics aghast when it debuted 42 years ago. Rival editors sneered at its bite-sized news stories and its relentlessly cheerful tone. (Headline on a plane crash story in the first edition: ‘Miracle: 327 survive, 58 die.’) The reporting was often so brief and superficial that even insiders joked that their work would win awards for ‘best investigative paragraph.’ It was quickly dubbed ‘McPaper,’ the news equivalent of junk food.” LO
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