Back to the bundle“If media companies can’t figure out how to be the bundlers, other layers of the ecosystem — telecoms, devices, social platforms — will.”
By Ben Smith
Religious-sounding language will be everywhere in 2025“A great deal of language that looks a lot like Christian Nationalism isn’t actually calling for theocracy; it is secular minoritarianism pushed by secular people, often linked to rightwing cable and other media with zero meaningful ties to the church or theological principle.”
By Whitney Phillips
You’ll need to care more about your value chain“Going into 2025, we need an industry-wide assessment of how our value chain functions because technical and regulatory forces will conspire to make our strategic position less defensible.”
By Sam Guzik
The mainstream media will lose its last grip on relevancy“The gap between mainstream media readers, people who get most of their news through influencers or partisan social media, and people who barely think about news at all will create a fundamental schism in how Americans see the world.”
By Alice Marwick