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Editor’s Note: Encyclo has not been regularly updated since August 2014, so information posted here is likely to be out of date and may be no longer accurate. It’s best used as a snapshot of the media landscape at that point in time.

Baristanet is a network of local news sites covering seven towns in New Jersey.

Baristanet was founded in 2004 by Debbie Galant and Liz George as a site on their town of Montclair, N.J.. It was one of the first successful startup local news blogs.

In July 2010 the site expanded to cover three other New Jersey towns as The New York Times ended its local blogging initiative there. As of 2011, the site had four full-time employees, a number of part-time staff and other contributors. Galant left the site in 2012 to teach journalism.

The site was profitable by late 2005 through local classified and display advertising.

Baristanet has partnered with the Newark Star-Ledger to produce a print guide to Montclair.

In 2006, Baristanet created a map of local housing teardowns using a Google Maps API and uses SeeClickFix to create maps of local issues. The site also helps run a parenting-oriented site called Barista Kids, a partnership with another local site.

Peers, allies, & competitors:
Recent Nieman Lab coverage:
July 21, 2015 / Joshua Benton
Who’s making money — and who isn’t — in local online news? — Michele’s List is an invaluable compilation of the most promising local online-native news sites trying to make a go of it in this disrupted age. Compiled by Michele McLellan, the list’s admissions criteria a...

Recently around the web, from Mediagazer:

Primary author: Mark Coddington. Main text last updated: July 12, 2012.
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Detroit Free Press and Detroit News logo

The Detroit Free Press and Detroit News are Michigan’s largest newspapers. Under a 1987 joint operating agreement, the Detroit Media Partnership publishes, distributes, and sells advertising for both papers. The papers are owned separately and employ independent news staffs and websites. The two papers were not making money as of late 2009, though executives were…

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