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Editor’s Note: Encyclo has not been regularly updated since August 2014, so information posted here is likely to be out of date and may be no longer accurate. It’s best used as a snapshot of the media landscape at that point in time.

The Daily Show is an American satirical news television program that critiques politics and the media.

The show, which premiered in 1996, runs weeknights on the cable network Comedy Central. Jon Stewart joined the show in 1999, turning its focus largely to politics and current events.

The Daily Show is predominantly a comedy show, but it is well-known for pointed criticism of the news media. The show has been recognized as an influential news media outlet. Stewart has been named one of the U.S.’ most trusted news anchors, and a study has found its coverage to be as substantive as traditional broadcast news. A Pew survey found that its viewers were the best informed of any news outlet’s audience, though an earlier Pew survey had found its viewers were among the least informed.

The show’s writers have repeatedly said their show is not news or journalism, though they have also said they see the show as a media watchdog, attempting to pursue objective, fact-based reporting.

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Primary author: Mark Coddington. Main text last updated: May 11, 2011.
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Bayosphere was a short-lived user-driven local news site in San Francisco. Bayosphere was launched in 2005 by former San Jose Mercury News columnist Dan Gillmor and Michael Goff and received investment funding from Mitch Kapor and the Omidyar Network. Gillmor shut the site down in January 2006, and the site was bought later that year…

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