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Articles tagged Philadelphia (27)

“We’re not putting you through an automated service. You’re actually interacting with Lily and Gabriela.”
“How to get information out has been a real struggle, because folks might not be on social networks or may not be listening to news.” Andrea Wenzel and Letrell Crittenden
“We’re tired of shouldering the burden of dragging this 200-year-old institution kicking and screaming into a more equitable age.”
“As journalists, we’re taught to be competitive and territorial. On the other hand, things are changing dramatically, so don’t assume other people in your local market don’t want to collaborate.”
“It’s not just an initiative — it’s an opportunity for others to join to address these challenges for local news, around the country and in Philadelphia.”
Built around a “venture philanthropy” model, the new programs will offer both significant funding and the test kitchen of its Philadelphia daily newspapers.
The institute, which owns the two Philadelphia dailies, also plans to introduce a fellowship program and award grants to help sustain local journalism.
Longtime media consultant Jim Friedlich discusses his vision for a sustainable metro newspaper.
Like Billy Penn in Philadelphia, the Pittsburgh site will focus on attracting a younger audience through events and aggregation in addition to original reporting.