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Archives: December 21, 2011

The digital strategist shares the big tech trends we can expect to emerge in the coming year. Amy Webb
News has always been about making choices among lots of information; technology just helps us make those choices more smartly. Gina Masullo Chen
In 2012, we’re due for a great leap forward in mobile reading. Tim Carmody
In the real-time news cycle, social media can — and should — be about much more than conversation. Burt Herman
The media entrepreneur shares a vision of Lower Left Coast domination. Rex Sorgatz
Predictions from Brian Boyer, Joy Mayer, Kevin Kelly, Sree Sreenivasan, and more. The Editors
A big question for the coming year: How will the right communities get the right kind of news? Vadim Lavrusik
With a bonus bold prediction for 2012: Gene Weingarten will write a disapproving column about the changing news business that is funny but dead wrong. Steve Buttry
Also: Say goodbye to the homepage as we know it. The future is streaming. Paul Bradshaw
Paywalls may become more popular in 2012; that doesn’t mean they’ll be enough to save a flailing industry. Dan Kennedy