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Archives: June 2017

“We want to do everything we can to hear more of those voices and amplify them.”
NYT 欲借此发展一个全新的途径,以增强和读者之间的联系,来重塑公信力。
Plus: Roman Mars has a new show; First Look’s Leital Molad on how a job at WNYC led her to podcasts.
O jornal desenvolveu softwares para analisar conteúdo.
With its business model squarely built around reader revenue, getting users logged in is a critical step toward payment. So the Times is making a “shift from platform to reader.”
Previously, 10 percent of the Times’ articles were open to comments. With a tool called Perspective, from Google parent Alphabet’s tech incubator, to help evaluate comments in bulk, it’s shooting for 80 percent open to comments by the end of this year.
“Nostalgia provides reassurance and self-gratification, but it is also intellectually and socially stultifying. It is time to move on, make sense of the present by learning from history, not by clinging to it, in order to help shape more productive futures.”
“La nostalgia, tanto en el periodismo como en la academia, no es productiva; el presente está maduro para reflexionar sobre el pasado como una vía para imaginar nuevos futuros”.