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Archives: July 13, 2017

The show, called Conundrums, is broadcast using Spaces, Facebook’s app that allows users to interact with each other in virtual reality.
Heather Bryant desenvolve desde 2015 o Project Facet.
“We are working in a medium, along with all of the other digital folks, in which you can tell stories in four different ways: words, pictures, video, audio. All of those will continue to grow for the next several decades. It’s not either/or.”
“Most places are using email, maybe there’s a calendar they share, they’re trying to make Trello boards, they’re trying to get everybody into Slack…the pain caused by tools is not insignificant.”
“Embora a colaboração seja historicamente um desafio para as pessoas/a cultura, a dor causada por ferramentas não é insignificante.”