Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Search results for Nieman conference on narrative journalism

“I see, every week, some example of where the two don’t understand each other. Each of them needs to shift a little bit.”
“None of us could have predicted the impact of police body cams as conflicting narratives that continue to compete for the accurate portrayal of what happened.”
“I know we’re on the right track, but we need a conductor to keep us on the rails.”
“Serial” isn’t just a podcast: It’s also the format hook Les Jours uses to bring some of the lessons of drama to long-form investigative reporting. It’s a fascinating mish-mash of ideas you’ll recognize from short-run nonfiction audio, Quartz, Epic Magazine, and more.
“The people who own, manage, and shape them might go — but social media are not going away anytime soon.” Francesco Zaffarano
“We are done pandering to the egos of change-resistant influential men in the hope that our gentle lead will eventually encourage them to join us on a meander toward gender equality in the news business.”
“I think we need to be way more humble. As I often say, technology has value but it doesn’t have values. It’s what we do with it. There’s a lot of bullshit in the Valley.”
More than 1,400 journalists, publishers, academics, and more are descending on Atlanta this week to talk shop.