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The Orange County Register is betting on an expanded newsroom and a stronger connection to the community. Will the numbers add up?
One’s a family-controlled, century-plus-old newspaper chain, known for believing in its civic mission but not for its digital strategy. The other is, well, Tronc. With an assist from L.A.’s richest man, could this be a path forward?
“To whom will we now turn to enliven the continuing conflagration that is the American newspaper industry?”
Well-intentioned antitrust actions by the Department of Justice are likely to deliver two newspapers to a company with a record of milking papers for profit through deep cutbacks.
As single-minded, profit-driven management drives down the local news business, where is its moral center — the one that long rested, if sometimes uncomfortably, alongside the demands of running a successful business?
The purchase of U-T San Diego by Tribune Publishing — owners of the Los Angeles Times up the road — is a sign of the kind of newspaper consolidation publishers are being pushed toward.
From New York to Los Angeles, a lot of American newspapers will change hands in the next few months. Who wants to own a newspaper in 2015 — and why?
“The same bingo drinking-game template works for tech’s back-patting and journalism’s navel-gazing. Journalism indulges its own buzzwords, dogma, and secret-handshake crap.” Tiff Fehr