Nieman Foundation at Harvard
What will a conservative National Labor Relations Board mean for news unions?
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Articles by Adam Thomas

“Somewhere in the future, beyond 2025, a flourishing landscape of adequately financed, equitable media enterprises will deliver impactful content, serve diverse communities, and achieve financial independence.”
“2024 will see the quickened rise of innovative, unfamiliar, and even uncomfortable revenue streams for Europe’s nonprofits.”
“Snow had begun to fall. Snow, in September.
“A tiny fraction of European foundation funding goes to core support for journalism, especially in comparison to the U.S. Yet all of those foundations rely on the enabling environment a robust media provides in order to deliver their programs.”
“As an industry, and as individuals, we’re realizing that we need to invest in organizational change, personal growth, and the human connections that will get us there.”
“European media will develop a common vocabulary to test, measure and analyze the diversity and impact of our coverage, newsrooms, and stories.”