Nieman Foundation at Harvard
A year in, The Guardian’s European edition contributes 15% of the publisher’s pageviews
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Articles by Christine Schmidt

Christine Schmidt is a staff writer at the Lab after having been its 2017 Google News Lab Fellow. Previous newsrooms include The Dallas Morning News, NBC4 in Los Angeles, the Hartford Courant, and a short stint at Snapchat. She hails from Chicago’s Southside Irish and can only give recommendations for thin crust pizza.
“Baltimore is a majority black city. When we first started out in 2017, I wanted it to have that point of view, to have a newspaper that serves a black population.”
“What does it mean for a diverse group of young Southerners to be producing content that is read by mostly white folks — and white folks that are older than them?”
“The Reader hasn’t turned a profit in ages, although revenue is said to be up almost 50 percent this year.”
“Things that were on the fires-and-car-accident side of things would get a lot of pageviews, but didn’t seem to have lasting impact on the way that people live their lives around here.”
Attention, local newspaper owners: This is now a proven, IRS-approved path to convert your money-losing daily into a community nonprofit. Give it some thought.
“For some [publishers], this program will be a way to get a check. Some of them are going to pick up some ideas and tips and that’s the end of it. For some of them, it’s truly transformational in how they operate.”
It’s a big step for Salt Lake City — but also a major opening for other newspapers who might find nonprofit status a more appealing alternative than selling or closing down.