Nieman Foundation at Harvard
A German news outlet got rid of its comments section — and asks readers to debate instead
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Articles by Joseph Lichterman

Joseph Lichterman is a staff writer at the Lab. He previously reported for Reuters in Detroit, mostly covering the city’s bankruptcy, the largest in U.S. history. He’s also reported for Automotive News and Michigan Radio, and he was the editor-in-chief of The Michigan Daily, the independent student newspaper at the University of Michigan. Joseph is a native of Michigan, and it’s called pop, not soda.
“If you are to create community based on transparency, you also have to create community within your organization.”
Check, created by Meedan, has been used around the world, in projects such as Electionland in the U.S. and CrossCheck in France.
Seu 1º uso grande foi para Electionland, o projeto de apuração coletiva formado por 1000 pessoas que rastreou reclamações.
“The website and the apps are based on the rhythm and structure of the newsletter now.”
Founded in Pittsburgh, Fitt now has 16 sites across the country and has plans to grow.
The show, called Conundrums, is broadcast using Spaces, Facebook’s app that allows users to interact with each other in virtual reality.
Launched by Dave Bidini, the nonprofit West End Phoenix has attracted support from its community — and Margaret Atwood.
“One of the things that we try to do, and I think it has worked well for us, is to surprise and delight. Surprise and delight is a marketing tactic. In our case, it’s essentially constantly launching new things so that the industry is constantly surprised.”