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Articles by Linda Kinstler

Linda Kinstler is a former writer for the Nieman Journalism Lab. She was a 2013 Google Journalism Fellow. Linda is currently a researcher and reporter for The New Republic.
“Improving technology has already made more and more information available to each of us, and will continue to do so. But more is not necessarily better.”
“For when the press is out of favor, people get to talking about doing something about it; at about that time, it seems to me, the press is well advised to start thinking in very serious ways of doing something of its own in the way of policing and examining and criticizing itself.”
“With improved methods of transmitting information, it may not be necessary to keep a man at police headquarters all day to write routine stories from the crumbs of information that come his way.”
“There is no known substitute on the market for integrity and character. And no synthetic has ever been discovered for guts.”
“Daily papers became serious competitors once decent roads were built and rural free delivery routes were established.”
France’s largest financial daily is betting on an algorithms+humans aggregation strategy, both for its readers and as a B2B play.
Two academics from NYU worry that the old binary system — a court document is either public or it’s not — doesn’t mesh well with a searchable online context, and that protecting access might mean rethinking it.
A modular prototype aims to become a “Wolfram Alpha for government” by allowing developers to plug in their own APIs.
Newspapers’ declining hold on audience attention began long before the web came along, the Scottish newspaper consultant argues, and tablets are one of the best hopes for reclaiming it.
By recruiting freelancers into an organized corps with a targeted mission, The Lens has improved oversight and accountability on charter school boards.