Nieman Foundation at Harvard
The Conversation is trying to make its academia-fueled model work for local news
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Articles by Linda Solomon Wood

Linda Solomon Wood is founder and editor-in-chief of Canada’s National Observer.
“The skills we developed while facing down the fossil fuel industry — persistence through trolling campaigns, converting readers one by one, turning an upstart publication into essential reading — these aren’t just about journalism. They’re about how to keep building when everything around you feels like it’s crumbling.”
“Here’s to clearing our shared cache.”
“Canada has shown leadership in securing a future for journalism — but there is more that can be done.”
“We hire journalists specifically because they resist moving in the same direction. We hire them for their independence and their fiercely critical minds.”
“The journalists who take up the work of climate change reporting in 2019 will include newly trained reporters as well as many industry veterans who are tired of burying references to climate change somewhere in the footnotes of the latest weather or disaster report.”