Nieman Foundation at Harvard
What will a conservative National Labor Relations Board mean for news unions?
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Articles by Nico Gendron

“Because press releases are the trifecta of reputational, informational, and promotional, brands will pay to publish a press release as paid content.”
“My job, and the job of any community manager, is to facilitate the creation of content that solves a problem our readers have, not just reports on it.”
“If news organizations can’t commit to hiring young people to tell their own stories, they at the very least should productize content in a way that appeals to Gen Z.”
“How can we reach an audience if that audience doesn’t see themselves, their hometowns, their families, even the brand of jeans they wear, portrayed in the media?”
“If editors are the gatekeepers of coverage, how are they going to assign important stories if they are sending their staff writers to parachute in? It struck me as wrong.”