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If you ask New York Times reporters to spend less time on Twitter, will they? (Spoiler: yes)
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Articles tagged 60dB (9)

“News on smart speakers is not living up to the promise of what it could be.”
Plus: Getting podcast recs at hotel check-in, a bilingual radionovela, S-Town hits 40 million downloads, and Invisibilia gets ready to return.
Plus: Panoply grabs some big partners, question marks at Acast, and success in local podcasting through Hearken.
Plus: What new and returning shows to expect in the new year, Panoply launches an “imprint,” and a liberal podcast network tries to counterbalance conservative talk radio.
Plus: The beginning of a podcast is incredibly important; the “gee whiz” podcast trend; is The New York Times swinging for a daily news show?
Plus: Gimlet announces a new slate of shows, NPR focuses on internal talent development, and Audible puts one of its shows outside the paywall.
Plus: Panoply expands to London, Midroll makes a bigger bet on live events, and Bloomberg finds audio success.
60dB, named for the volume at which a human speaks and founded by a former Planet Money reporter and two others with backgrounds at Netflix, is being teased as a “service for high-quality, short-form stories.”