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Articles tagged Al Jazeera English (13)

The impact of paywalls, seeing a city through Instagram, and old vs. new media in the Arab Spring: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
Twitter as a public diary, flipping pages vs. clicking links, and when bots do interviews: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
Doha sunset
A visit to Al Jazeera reveals an oasis of hacker-journalists in the Middle East.
Busted computer in the desert
Open-source may be hip, but an awful lot of cultural baggage can get in the way of newsrooms adopting it.
The Knight News Challenge winner uses Twitter and Facebook to help newsrooms track their own — and competitors’ — stories.
The outgoing head of online for Al Jazeera English says media must continue to adapt to an audience that is driving and delivering news.
In a talk at MIT, the former director general of Al Jazeera discusses how the network covered the Arab Spring and how it brought social media into its coverage.
The man who led Al Jazeera to global prominence will be speaking at the Media Lab Friday, both about the Arab Spring and the media ecosystem that surrounded it.
April 25, 2011
March 24, 2011