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Articles tagged Arthur Sulzberger Jr. (9)

“Never get comfortable; always assume that the world is conspiring to take down the industry and that we will have to move heaven and earth to overcome those forces to blaze a path forward for quality journalism.”
“We all had a sense that something important was happening, but at the time there were actually very few users. So it was a bet on people getting online and buying more PCs.”
Plus: Doing better data journalism, net neutrality’s implications, and the rest of the week in journalism and technology.
Plus: New NSA details from Glenn Greenwald, explaining lack of digital innovation in local newspapers, and the rest of the week’s journalism and tech reads. Mark Coddington
As the owner of Amazon, Bezos has focused on long-term investment and perfecting the customer experience, both of which may be a good sign for the Post.
Where the father once worked to make the Times a national brand, the son has much broader ambitions.
Wharton business school professor Michael Useem has a checklist for making change work in an organization.
Why is it proving hard to come up with strong candidates to lead The New York Times Co.? A few possibilities — some serious, some whimsical.
“I don’t think there’s any newspaper company in America that won’t have fewer people a year from now than they have today, and fewer still in two to three years.” Martin Langeveld