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Articles tagged cable television (6)

“Sometimes when I catch myself rolling my eyes at a new platform, I say to myself, don’t be a snob. That’s how you got your big break.”
Plus: Verdicts in the News Corp. phone hacking scandal, jailed journalists in Egypt, and the rest of the news about the news from the past fortnight.
Plus: Facebook and viral traffic, Bill Keller leaves the Times for a startup, and the rest of the week’s news in journalism and tech.
A new paper out of MIT’s Center for Civic Media uses Media Cloud and other tools to map how the story of Trayvon Martin’s death was told — and evolved. Caroline O'Donovan
Plus: BuzzFeed’s native advertising model, protecting anonymous sources at Fox News, and the rest of the week’s news about the future of news.
The media entrepreneur shares a vision of Lower Left Coast domination. Rex Sorgatz