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Articles tagged California (18)

“We’re Switzerland…We’re not anybody’s competitor. We’re in a good place to do good and raise money statewide and use that money for improving journalism.”
Power to the people (who hate talking on phones).
Voices of Monterey Bay is amplifying less-heard voices (prisoners, the children of farm workers), building a community base of support, and publishing in both English and Spanish.
“Looking ahead, we are at something of a pivot point. For our mission purpose of just informing voters, does it matter if CALmatters wrote a story that appears in the L.A. Daily News?” Christine Schmidt
Berkeleyside, while a successful local news site, still doesn’t feel like it’s nailed the formula for sustainability. It’s latest effort: convincing its readers to invest — literally — in its future.
Aaron Kushner has been a brash newspaper industry contrarian, investing in content. But over 70 layoffs last week has some wondering whether his frequent waves of change are threatening his credibility.
San Francisco’s public broadcaster will share content with some nontraditional partners. Andrew Phelps