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Articles tagged Chris Bannon (8)

Plus: HBO buys in, ESPN brags condescendingly, big networks scale back, and Call Your Girlfriend plots its future. Also, gifs.
Plus: Oprah’s podcast sees ad success after signing with Midroll, getting new listeners with a “shareathon,” and the line between podcast fiction and podcast reality.
Plus new leadership at NPR One, CNN and Fox News expand podcast programming, and a new Bay Area tech company to keep and eye on.
Plus: 1 in 5 Americans now listens to podcasts (sort of), Night Vale expands, and WNYC goes local and limited-run to cover gentrification in Brooklyn.
Plus: Remixing podcast talent to build new shows, Google prepares to enter the market in a big way, and how to avoid “radiosplaining.”
After WNYC abruptly canceled the show, creator Hillary Frank was “floored” by how many other podcast networks wanted to partner with her: “It was unthinkable, five years ago, that I could make a living making a podcast.”
Plus: Scripps wants to expand Earwolf beyond comedy; NPR’s on-demand audience grows, while live-streaming stalls; Modern Love becomes a podcast; and more.
“What Rolltape represents to me is an attempt to carve out a whole new digital space that requests a completely different kind of social interaction: sincerely, thoughtfully, slowly.”