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Articles tagged clickbait (17)

News Corp’s painfully named news aggregator promised to somehow battle “crass clickbait,” filter bubbles, media bias, and two trillion-dollar companies, all at once. It ended up being a D-minus Drudge clone and OnlyFans blog.
“Many of our interviewees had little direct experience with news, yet they ‘knew’ they could not trust it, or found it boring, or that it was part of a shady system intended to hide important matters from them.”
An interview with researcher C.W. Anderson: “You do have to wonder how long we can keep up before people have a nervous breakdown.”
That depends on whether you want users or an audience.
BuzzFeed’s fake-news reporter outlines some of the dangers ahead: “We have a human problem on our hands. Our cognitive abilities are in some ways overmatched by what we have created.”
“If we determine that a post might link to these types of low-quality web pages, it may show up lower in people’s feeds.”
What Bob Dylan Tells Us About Journalism Innovation, In One Chart [VIDEO].
“Publishers hate these companies but make too much money from them to stop working with them.”