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Articles tagged Craig Silverman (24)

Plus: Instagram is fertile ground for conspiracy theories, Apple gives to media literacy, and a terror attack comes with its own media strategy.
“It appears in our paper, it’s going to appear in BuzzFeed, and vice versa.”
Plus: How “junk news” differs from “fake news,” and LinkedIn gets less boring (but not in a good way).
“Recognition of altruism as a motive for publishing (i.e. shedding a light on unknown/hidden information).”
Plus: A U.K. report calls for governments to tread cautiously when it comes to fake news, as some other governments seem prepared to do the opposite.
Plus: What people who like fact-checking are like, a new “digital deception” newsletter, and Facebook expands its fact-checking partnerships beyond the West.
The Canadian startup OpenFile was a bet on collaboration between journalists and their audience: “We learned that we shouldn’t dismiss [a story] just because it’s not articulated in a way that we would as journalists.”
Plus: Facebook found (and shut down) a Macedonian disinformation effort in the Alabama special election, and Facebook groups could get garbage-y fast.
BuzzFeed’s fake-news reporter outlines some of the dangers ahead: “We have a human problem on our hands. Our cognitive abilities are in some ways overmatched by what we have created.”
Plus: The AP’s new fake news listing, a lack of center-right news outlets, and how to spot a fake viral video.