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Articles tagged Dave Winer (23)

“Once a month or so, that damn tweet would resurface.”
“We missed the kind of writing it represents. We missed the kind of audience engagement it represents.”
It’s a little thing (literally!), but if news organizations want to capture the full value of their journalists’ minds, they should give them an outlet for things other than traditional articles.
The new startup from the creators of Blogger and Twitter says it’s “rethinking publishing and building a new platform from scratch.” It’s also raising some fundamental questions about how content on the web is structured.
iTunes 4.9 screen shot
Podcasting pioneer Dave Winer asks whether the field needs a reboot.
Culture and technology have an interwoven future; we need a tech press, the web pioneer argues, that can do justice to both. Dave Winer
How the retiring New York Times executive played a role in setting a long-standing web standard.
May 13, 2011
January 28, 2011
September 17, 2010