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Articles tagged Dean Starkman (9)

“Nostalgia provides reassurance and self-gratification, but it is also intellectually and socially stultifying. It is time to move on, make sense of the present by learning from history, not by clinging to it, in order to help shape more productive futures.”
Two-year-old startup GoLocal24 is expanding from its New England base across the continent. Will business-driven for-profits like it fill the void of local news in ways nonprofit outlets can’t?
Plus: The debate about free news and journalism quality, The New York Times’ labor conflict, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news.
Plus: A legal test of ‘Are bloggers journalists?’, Facebook’s Timeline and Subscribe, and the rest of the week’s future-of-news reading.
Plus: Reconciling digital journalism and institutions, a digital journalism pioneer retires, the search for a neutral way to tweet, and the rest of the week’s required reading. Mark Coddington
Behind Dean Starkman’s “future of news” consensus lurk unanswered questions.
Glorying in the past, hating the present, and fearing the future: Why are newspaper companies’ attitudes the inverse of Silicon Valley’s?
November 2, 2010
September 20, 2010