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Articles tagged Des Moines Register (9)

To save money on newsprint and late press runs, Gannett told its newspapers not to bother printing results and to direct the curious online. Here’s how that played out.
In cities across America, you won’t be able to find even the most cursory election results in your Wednesday morning newspaper next week. Is this speeding up newspapers’ transition to digital — or just burning a bridge they still need to cross?
“We have to remember that not only we as content creators are new to VR, but so is our audience. For a lot of people, it’s still very experiential.”
Gannett owns two college newspapers in Florida — it’s closed one and cutting costs at the other.
By creating locally focused series of short online videos and partnering with local outlets in early primary and caucus states, the company aims to capture some of the digital political ad dollars that could otherwise go elsewhere.
An unsolved murder, lives of the presidents, the Iowa Caucuses, and more — all delivered in podcast format by reporters who are learning for the first time how to write to be heard, not to be read.
The Des Moines Register, the Associated Press, and WNYC are among organizations receiving a total of $3.2 million for projects designed to increase voter turnout and develop more tools to analyze campaign finance disclosures.
The Gannett paper is finding that its new, more modern space can be useful as a marketing tool for the paper itself.
April 3, 2009