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Articles tagged distribution (23)

Nonprofit newsrooms are competing for limited funding and attention spans, grappling with diminishing returns on social, and trying to address low trust in media. It’s forcing outlets large and small to adapt to survive.
Which is more important for a public broadcaster: distributing its content as widely as possible or putting its own interests above a tech company’s?
If it’s good enough for Amazon, why not for news publishers? Trade in your New York rent for a wider, subway-phobic pool of talent.
Rather than create geographic diversity, digital news has pushed the industry into a few tight clusters. That has real impacts on the journalism we get.
The quest for scale, driven by the distribution power of a few enormous technology platforms, is killing the business case for local news. Will anything take its place?
From the protests in Hong Kong to Occupy and Sandy in New York, a new generation of tools is allowing communities to connect without using the Internet. Can they have a use in news too?
The Times says print subscriptions in India were too few in number to continue offering after moving away from the International Herald Tribune brand.
Sports, weather, and traffic now fill 40 percent of local television news — while crime, politics, and government coverage are all down. Joshua Benton
The game designer and thinker says there are a number of parallels between the disruptions facing both industries.