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Articles tagged DMCA (5)

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The ruling comes after a judge dismissed similar claims filed by Raw Story and AlterNet earlier this month.
As we see hatred and division multiply across North America and Europe, instigated by malicious use of the technology that was supposed to make us freer and better, we’re paying a different kind of attention. Late, but better than never.
A New York federal judge ruled that when publishers from The Boston Globe to Vox Media to Breitbart “caused the embedded tweets to appear on their websites, their actions violated plaintiff’s exclusive display right.” Shan Wang
Fake news percentages, numbers of working journalists, declining print ad revenue: 2016 in numbers.
“Monday’s moves make an interesting first step, but these companies must first embrace their responsibilities — better using both people and machines — in delivering news to vast parts of the U.S. and global democracies.”