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Articles tagged Duke University (6)

Highly impulsive people who lean conservative are more likely to share false news stories. They have a desire to create chaos and won’t be deterred by fact-checkers.
Is automated fact-checking the “holy grail” for this corner of journalism?
This summer, a team of students is testing whether a database-driven, structured journalism model can work well on topics like urban policing and Uber.
PolitiFact editor Bill Adair in the "Star Chamber"
The PolitiFact founder, headed to a professorship at Duke, reflects on the fact-checking boom and talks about preparing the next generation of journalists.
Reporters' Lab stylized 'R' logo
The head of Duke University’s tools-for-journalism initiative is moving to The New York Times. Andrew Phelps
Beakers in a laboratory
A new initiative at Duke University is building — and reviewing — software tools to take the drudgery out of investigative and public-affairs journalism.