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Articles tagged Embedded (5)

Plus: HBO buys in, ESPN brags condescendingly, big networks scale back, and Call Your Girlfriend plots its future. Also, gifs.
Plus: A new season of shows from Gimlet, award-winning audio fiction, and NPR’s Embedded returns.
“I’m not at Audible to build podcasts. I’m at Audible to start a revolution. In the way audio is produced, and in the way audio is distributed.”
“A constructive question, at this point: What, exactly, makes a podcast strategy? Seems like a simple question with an obvious answer, but I think it’s actually pretty complex.”
Kelly McEvers: “A lot of the great storytelling podcasts happen in the studio. I hope ours opens the door to people thinking more about what you can do in the field, when things don’t go as planned and are unexpected.”