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Articles tagged Eric Newton (16)

Once lauded as an early example of the teaching hospital model of journalism education, Mission Local will now fend for itself outside the j-school.
The list of the biggest foundation funders of journalism includes a lot of familiar names. Caroline O'Donovan
Redefining the relationship between journalist and citizen, the quandary of comfort news, and Norwegian thrash death metal: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.
“What digital natives can do is make the status quo uncomfortable for professors who won’t change.”
The model is gaining ground in many journalism schools, but two professors argue won’t help future journalists — or the industry they’re entering — adapt to change.
Plus: More details on the Journal Register Co.’s bankruptcy, new ideas on j-school training, and the rest of the news in media and tech this week.
The Knight Foundation’s Newton says “universities must be willing to destroy and recreate themselves to be part of the future of news.”
Journalism and education are both about knowledge. Could their post-disruption business models start to blur?
At the Logan Symposium at Berkeley, investigative reporting showed plenty of signs of life.