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If you ask New York Times reporters to spend less time on Twitter, will they? (Spoiler: yes)
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Articles tagged FCC (47)

Want to get around a regulation that limits who can own a daily newspaper? Just make it a less-than-daily newspaper.
“Our goal is a newscast that is complementary to the commercial news”: Think important local issues, not car crashes and sports scores.
The duopoly, the FCC, and the hunger for scale — these three forces are roiling the news industry, from corporate conglomerates to your hometown daily.
“It’s called local news for a reason.”
First Sinclair and now the Kochs are back. In an age of media free-for-all and massive deregulation, will fact-based journalism become an endangered species?
The sale of station-owned airwaves to shore up cellular networks offers a rare opportunity to invest in local news and public information needs.
Plus: Facebook buys some print ads in Germany, research on the polarizing effects of social media, and sometimes it’s not fake news — it’s just good old fabrication.
Meanwhile, efforts continue in New Jersey to get stations to commit their earnings from the auction to local news initiatives.
The advocacy group Free Press is encouraging public broadcasters to invest their earnings back into local news and information.