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Articles tagged Filter Bubbles (12)

News Corp’s painfully named news aggregator promised to somehow battle “crass clickbait,” filter bubbles, media bias, and two trillion-dollar companies, all at once. It ended up being a D-minus Drudge clone and OnlyFans blog.
Plus what happens when climate facts get treated as climate opinions.
Plus: Are your Google results really that different from your neighbor’s?
“Instead of reducing political polarization, our intervention increased it.”
“Finding strategies for artfully conveying complex information in ways that break down attention and trust-based barriers represents the most important challenge in our politically tumultuous time.”
“If we let media change deniers drive the conversation, the result will be dumber journalism, less-informed public debate, and ineffective and counterproductive public policy. Even if what they say sometimes ‘feels right.'”
Journalist’s Resource sifts through the academic journals so you don’t have to. Here’s their latest roundup, including research into fake news, audience analytics, populism, VR, and fact-checking.
“Very quickly, you learn the worldviews in all these bubbles are very different.”
Read Across the Aisle is taking the Fitbit approach to popping filter bubbles.
The impact of paywalls, seeing a city through Instagram, and old vs. new media in the Arab Spring: all that and more in this month’s roundup of the academic literature.