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The New York City Tenement Museum used historic Black newspapers to create its latest exhibit
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Articles tagged FT (50)

The pieces might be aligning — a new CEO at News Corp.’s publishing spinoff, Tribune leaving bankruptcy, and a possible policy change at the FCC — for Murdoch’s influence to grow even further.
Some of the world’s biggest news organizations, once rocks of stability, are showing signs of unstable foundations.
Where the father once worked to make the Times a national brand, the son has much broader ambitions.
Atlantic Media’s new business site has the advantage of starting with a strategic clean slate. Now, it’s all about execution.
Haaretz experimented with its English-language edition, but now it’s ready to take what it’s learned and apply it to the main product.
They’re iconic in print and on television, and they’re both working to figure out digital. Is there room for more direct partnership between the two?
Top newspapers are making deals with tablet aggregators like Flipboard and Pulse. It’s a new stage in the quest to generate reader revenue.
If Murdoch’s empire cleaves in two, his newspapers will no longer be able to count on the latest blockbuster to disguise their financial woes.
Journalism and education are both about knowledge. Could their post-disruption business models start to blur?
Now that news companies are getting comfortable with the idea of charging digital customers, the question becomes: How much? Here are nine things we’ve learned from early experiments.