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Articles tagged Gerry Lenfest (11)

Buyouts, rebranding, good journalism, and a vision still in progress: The Philadelphia Inquirer has had quite a summer. The metro newspaper business is still tough, even without a hedge fund or private equity pulling the strings.
“If we’re going to be a test kitchen, let’s cook some stuff!”
The Philadelphia Media Network is getting $1 million. Twelve organizations and five entrepreneurs-in-residence will be getting another for projects ranging from local news membership models to experiments in audience engagement.
The institute, which owns the two Philadelphia dailies, also plans to introduce a fellowship program and award grants to help sustain local journalism.
“We have so valued the fact that we are still standing. ‘Look we’re still standing!’ But standing is not enough…you gotta run.”
Longtime media consultant Jim Friedlich discusses his vision for a sustainable metro newspaper.
As single-minded, profit-driven management drives down the local news business, where is its moral center — the one that long rested, if sometimes uncomfortably, alongside the demands of running a successful business?
We talked to its new crop of board members: “My experience in the area of philanthropy is that if you are addressing important issues, have good ideas, and can show results, people and organizations are willing to support you.”
The numbers don’t add up to growth. Sprinkling some some nonprofit pixie dust won’t save the newspaper industry; only new ideas can do that.