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Articles tagged Graham Holdings (8)

This month, City Cast published guest demographic data for podcasts in its 11 cities and analyzed how that data compared to each local community.
Shows are moving well beyond a simple MP3 file and an RSS feed. But will new data, targeting, discoverability, and social tools push podcasting in the direction of commercial radio? Part 4 of a five-part series on the business of on-demand audio.
Podcasts have benefited from the unique intimacy of its ads. Can that strength survive the rise of programmatic and dynamic ad insertion? Part 2 of a five-part series on the business of on-demand audio.
Through its early history, podcasting seemed separated from the waves of change happening in other sectors of digital media. But today, it’s increasingly facing the same questions. Part 1 of a five-part series on the business of on-demand audio.
Plus: Parsing the RadioPublic announcement; premium podcast subscriptions; Bill Simmons oversimplifies things.
Plus: Scripps wants to expand Earwolf beyond comedy; NPR’s on-demand audience grows, while live-streaming stalls; Modern Love becomes a podcast; and more.
From wire services to classifieds to news networks, some key elements of the news ecosystem we know are changing — often without much notice.
Newspaper companies made a smart move in the 1990s investing in online auto classifieds. Is selling it off a short-term gain for long-term pain?