If you want to charge readers for journalism, you have to prove its value — and that means getting beyond he-said-she-said and the view from nowhere. Ken Doctor
Stray, Jonathan. "How do you tell when the news is biased? It depends on how you see yourself." Nieman Journalism Lab. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 27 Jun. 2012. Web. 13 Jan. 2025.
Stray, J. (2012, Jun. 27). How do you tell when the news is biased? It depends on how you see yourself. Nieman Journalism Lab. Retrieved January 13, 2025, from https://www.niemanlab.org/2012/06/how-do-you-tell-when-the-news-is-biased/
Stray, Jonathan. "How do you tell when the news is biased? It depends on how you see yourself." Nieman Journalism Lab. Last modified June 27, 2012. Accessed January 13, 2025. https://www.niemanlab.org/2012/06/how-do-you-tell-when-the-news-is-biased/.
{{cite web
| url = https://www.niemanlab.org/2012/06/how-do-you-tell-when-the-news-is-biased/
| title = How do you tell when the news is biased? It depends on how you see yourself
| last = Stray
| first = Jonathan
| work = [[Nieman Journalism Lab]]
| date = 27 June 2012
| accessdate = 13 January 2025
| ref = {{harvid|Stray|2012}}