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Articles tagged liberal media (9)

“Does satire have a liberal bias? Sure. Satire has a liberal psychological bias. But the only person who can successfully harness the power of satire is the satirist. Not political strategists. Not a political party. Not a presidential candidate.”
If it’s good enough for Amazon, why not for news publishers? Trade in your New York rent for a wider, subway-phobic pool of talent.
“We’re about ideas, but we’re also about instigating actions. Though I believe our role is to seed ideas for the future, you want a journalism that has impact. It’s news readers can use.”
Plus: What new and returning shows to expect in the new year, Panoply launches an “imprint,” and a liberal podcast network tries to counterbalance conservative talk radio.
Rather than create geographic diversity, digital news has pushed the industry into a few tight clusters. That has real impacts on the journalism we get.
We sift through the academic journals so you don’t have to. Here are 10 of the most interesting studies about social and digital media published in 2015.
The head of the Media Consortium argues that, by defining themselves in opposition to mainstream media, independent progressive outlets miss out on the power of ethnic and community journalism.
The Engaging News Project want to know if that and other small cues and prompts can encourage people to seek points of view different from their own.