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Articles tagged local newspapers (20)

For the first time ever, more online news sites produced Pulitzer finalists than newspapers did.
Until the news business adopts NFL-style revenue sharing — which, um, it won’t — the Packers are more of an exception than a useful metaphor.
Local news’ bundling of hard news, soft news, and other information used to be a major selling point, but the audience now believes there are better sources elsewhere for most of it.
“I left daily newspaper journalism in 2005. But it’s only gotten worse, because now there is the internet to scapegoat for all of the incompetence and thievery.”
“While local newspapers accounted for roughly 25 percent of the local media outlets in our sample, they accounted for nearly 50 percent of the original news stories in our database.”
“The key is the consumer will let you know when they’re done with the print product. Don’t prematurely yank it from them.”
Surprise: “Subscribers who read many stories per visit and read them thoroughly were no more likely to keep their subscriptions than those who skimmed.”
Plus: A quick way to make money off other people’s content, an invitation to fact-check U.K. local news, and BuzzBeed vs. BuzzFeed.
“When we started out, I’m sure a lot of people were worried about cannibalization, and people moving from print to digital, but that hasn’t really happened at all.”
Adopting the role of a good neighbor does not mean abandoning critical perspective. It’s an opportunity to ensure that local newspapers are at the heart of the conversations taking place in their communities.