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Articles tagged Marissa Mayer (15)

Plus: Updates on Ezra Klein, Edward Snowden, and the rest of this week’s news in journalism and tech.
Everybody’s making moves this month. Together, they tell us about what news will look like in 2014.
Is the economic power of star journalists growing or shrinking? Depends on the news organization.
Voice of San Diego’s technology was built on a shoestring. Its CEO describes why he thought it was time to invest — and how they’re trying to learn from the places where news gets consumed online.
Plus: Snow Fall revisited, and the rest of the week’s media and tech reads.
Flipboard, Zite, Pulse, and their peers are giving news companies a second chance at dealing with the rise of aggregators. Will they come out of this round any better than the last?
Plus: The New York Times Co. tries to sell The Boston Globe, more corporate hacking victims and clues, and the rest of this week’s news.
Plus: The ethics of quote approval and draft sharing, charges in the News Corp. scandal, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news.
Plus: Quote approval practices exposed, The New York Times’ new public editor, and the rest of the week’s media and tech news and talk.
From Yahoo to Tribune to NBC News, you have to figure out what you are before you can figure out what you’ll become.