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Articles tagged Matt Thompson (30)

Matt Thompson, co-founder of Spark Camp
“We knew from the outset that it was incredibly important to foster a really robust and vibrant conversation on these issues, and we knew, also, that it’s really easy for conversations about race, ethnicity, and culture to go off the rails.” Justin Ellis
Looking backward inevitably leads to looking forward: What trends from 2012 will we be watching in 2013? Spark Camp
Jonathan Stray, Meredith Artley, and John Davidow share some of the big ideas they’ll take away from the year. Spark Camp
Jason and the Argonauts, Lorenzo Costa
NPR will continue supporting stations who joined in the “vertical” blogging experiment — and hopes to replicate the networked blogging model throughout the system.
Argo Gold Mine & Mill (Vilseskogen via Flickr)
The network will continue supporting stations who created verticals, while the stations have to figure out next year’s funding. Andrew Phelps
October 29, 2010
October 13, 2010
August 26, 2010
August 2, 2010
April 30, 2010