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Articles tagged Meredith Artley (7)

“An engaged journalist’s role in the 21st century is not only to inform but to bring readers directly into the conversation.”
Three products — Circa, NRC Q, and News Republic — are trying to tackle a big question: How do we optimize news for reading on mobile devices? Despite the common goal, they’re taking different approaches.
In 2013, CNN’s total digital audience was 40 percent mobile, with users flocking to their phones and tablets for news and video on nights and weekends.
Jonathan Stray, Meredith Artley, and John Davidow share some of the big ideas they’ll take away from the year. Spark Camp
The managing editor of CNN’s digital operations says coding and multimedia skills are becoming more common among new hires, but that specialized knowledge is getting hard to find.
In order to give a special report added weight and readability, designers broke out of the mold of the site’s normal design.
June 7, 2011