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Articles tagged monetization (13)

Plus: RedCircle wants to build monetization for podcasting’s middle class, Gastropod turns five, and adventures in music licensing.
“I really understand how powerful it is to be able to raise sustaining donations, now that I’m in the driver’s seat.”
After WNYC abruptly canceled the show, creator Hillary Frank was “floored” by how many other podcast networks wanted to partner with her: “It was unthinkable, five years ago, that I could make a living making a podcast.”
A new Flipboard-clone with massive potential reach, R.I.P. Newsstand, and news stories embedded deeper inside iOS — it was a big day for news on iPhones and iPads.
“People have grown a little skeptical of companies that don’t seem to have a business model and you wonder when they’re going to do something.” Justin Ellis
A new study from the University of Texas explores the interrelatedness between online news use, preference, and intent to pay.
Santa's Hideout screen shot
The publisher is broadening its base of products by building apps that have nothing to do with journalism, magazines, or traditional media. Andrew Phelps
Santa running down the street in Algers, France
News outlets increasingly try to make money by selling non-news products. Here are some examples, just in time for the holiday season.
December 1, 2010